If you need to contact or evaluate many researchers, this one is for you! No matter where you are in our platform, all the people involved in your current search results can be easily exported.
<aside> đź’ˇ The idea is that you'll have everything you need right there in this export file, to write a well-informed email to each person in the file.
Contact-centric export comes with great benefits!
Contact-centric export is available for all of our data categories. Depending on the active category, a different set of contacts will be exported:
Companies: exports all company leadership Example:
Research Groups: export all group leaders
Ongoing Research: exports all group leaders
Funded Projects: exports all project participants
Clinical Trials: exports all investigators
Publications: exports all authors
Patents: exports all inventors
How to use contact-centric export:
Select the second export option: “Export participants from Funded Projects”

It includes general information about the participant: their name, affiliations, their AcademicLabs profile, their LinkedIn, their email (available as add-on). It also includes information about the participant’s project: the project’s title, funding, description, etc.
Click “Download Excel file”. (or “Download CSV file”) In our example, this produced the following file:
Open the file in Excel. To view only the investigators, you can easily filter for them in Excel with the “Participant - Role” column.