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General recommendation: only query the name of the company (or researcher). Don’t include other terms.
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Below, we use the example of a company name. Note that it works similarly for searching a Researcher.
It will search through all the below fields in each of the 100k+ company profiles we have
A match in the company name fields gets a lot of weight, so typically the company you searched comes up as first result:
Interestingly, it will also help you find any other companies that somewhere mention the searched company name (Amgen in this example). This unlocks interesting options:
Find companies mentioning Amgen partnership or collaboration in their About or Website
Biotech leadership with a history or collaboration with Amgen
Deals with Amgen announced in recent press releases:
Companies with a grants where Amgen is mentioned as partner
Similar approaches are possible based on searching through clinical trial, publications and patents.
There are 2 ways to search for companies:
A. Do a query on a specific topic and in the organisations filter, type the name of the company.
Click the company name to filter. Then hover over the name and click open page to go to that company profile.
B. Use the company name as part of the query.
Either do a standard search, or use the Search By button to specifically search in for example the Applicant Name